A Warning to Others

Ruth Driscoll Dunn, 24, is facing two counts of aggravated assault for striking two women in a McDonald's parking lot with her car.
It seems that Ruth was waiting in line for breakfast, and I'm guessing her first cup of coffee. When a new register opened up, Linda Ann Thomas, 51, and her uniquely named daughter Melinda Ann Thomas, 34, (17 years old when she had little Melinda. That's good stock!) jumped to the front of that line, rather than having the courtesy to allow Ruth, whom I presume was in front of them in line, to go to the front of the new line. Judging by what a couple of backwoods rubes they are, this shouldn't have been surprising.
I hate it when people do that.
OK, not enough to run them over in the parking lot, but still. I don't condone what Ruth did, but I know where she's coming from. Ruth waited for them in the parking lot. When they came out, she hit them "with the passenger side of her jeep". Not sure how you do that, unless you pull a fancy fishtail move. Niether of the morons (yes, I'm still siding with Ruth) was badly injured. I'd be willing to bet, she lunged the jeep in front of them and they bumped into it. Big whoop.
My only hope is that those two dopes maybe think next time, before cutting into line.
For god's sake people, show some common courtesy. Or maybe there's a Ruth Dunn waiting for YOU!
The backwoods rubes are not in the video.
If I had a hyphenated last name, I'd be in a murderous rage, too.
Sarcastro, at 2:57 PM
Damn, they updated the video.
Exador, at 5:11 PM
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