PMS is driving me nuts
Obviously, I'm not experiencing personally, but I am forced to live with someone who is. Whatcha gonna do? Give sheep the vote?
It's the psycho mood swings that I can't deal with. Sorry, I have no empathy. I have no way of identifying with that crazy.
I also continually fail to appreciate how the smallest comment suddenly becomes a HUGE issue, resulting in cursing, pouting, yelling, followed by an angry "fuck me", all in the span of 45 seconds.
I'm sorry, THAT is something I can't deal with.
Hopefully, last night was the worst of it.
It's the psycho mood swings that I can't deal with. Sorry, I have no empathy. I have no way of identifying with that crazy.
I also continually fail to appreciate how the smallest comment suddenly becomes a HUGE issue, resulting in cursing, pouting, yelling, followed by an angry "fuck me", all in the span of 45 seconds.
I'm sorry, THAT is something I can't deal with.
Hopefully, last night was the worst of it.
Two comments on PMS, from the other side. First, and most important, the mood swings are pretty scary to the person having them, as well. Not a topic for WHILE she's PMSing, but she may want to look into something (BC, diet, exercise, whatever) to take the edge off.
Second, IME, while it may take less to TRIGGER an outburst, the issues remain the same. If she's bugged by your belief that a meal's not a meal unless your tastebuds are smoking holes in the ground, just reaching for the chili flakes to put on YOUR OWN slice of pizza can set her off. This is especially tricky because from her point of view, it's the last straw ("Do you ALWAYS have to spice the crap out of EVERYTHING?") and from yours, it comes out of left field ("But I ALWAYS put chili flakes on my pizza!")
By Anonymous, at 10:56 AM
Spooky. I do like a lot of chili flakes on my pizza.
It's my pizza. So long as I'm not putting chili flakes on her slice of pizza, I am free to spice my food how I like it.
By Exador, at 11:10 AM
Yes, you're free to spice your own food however you like. That's my point, it's an act that's inoffensive in itself. And if you think of the outburst as a one-off, it looks like she's controlling, psycho, irrational, whatever. But if your tendency to overspice everyone's food is a running theme, then she's not thinking of it as a one-off, and actions that she'd be fine with as one-offs are different in a given context.
For instance, my husband's a chili-head, and I love spicy food, myself. But he also uses six kinds of chili peppers in foods cooked for my dad (who has ulcers), and my poor Scandinavian friends who find ketchup to be spicy. There might conceivably be times when I'd be moved to exclaim, "goddamn, can't you try something mild for a change?" And, were I especially PMS-y, it might not take very much to bring forth the exclamation.
By Anonymous, at 11:38 AM
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