Monosyllabic Pedantry

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Liveblogging Pain

Update 11:25 AM Wednesday:
God bless the maker of Percocet. I don't get high or drowsy off them. The pain just goes away. Sweeet!

Update 8:25 AM Tuesday:
I'm back at work. The drive sucked, since my percocet hasn't kicked in yet, so every time I had to push the clutch, I got pain.
Poor Mrs Schwartz. She was so freaked out by my pain, that she apparently drank more than I did on Sunday, and she's not a hard liquor drinker. She was SO hungover yesterday. There I was, actually feeling much better with the drugs, while she spent the DAY throwing up. All day and into the evening. I think the first thing she was able to keep down were some peaches at about 7pm. Even today, she's a mess. Her throat burns from all the puking. She's weak as a kitten. We're quite a pair.
She pointed out something to me yesterday. There I was, screaming bloody murder in my driveway for 30 minutes, on a Sunday afternoon, and not ONE of my neighbors came over or called the cops. Bastards. Especially the ones I've helped so many times in the past.

Update 11:15 Monday:
We just got back from the doctor. He said I have a herniated disk in my spine. He gave me two shots in the ass: a painkiller and an anti-inflammatory. He also gave me a prescription for Percocet and an anti-inflammatory. He gave me a pamphlet with some stretching exercises and said to do them as soon as I feel up to it. I'm supposed to go back to him in 7 days to check my progress. He said the exercises should help work the disk back in. If not, we'll have to try something more aggressive.

I gave one of the Percocet to Mrs Schwartz. She needed it.

Self-medicating with gin was definitely a bad idea. Not only did I wake up with a hangover AND the pain, I woke up at about 3 AM to throw up. Let me tell you, THAT was not fun.

Original Post Sunday afternoon:
I was working on the yard. I was transferring the monkey grass, that was flourishing behind the back deck, to the front walkway.
My lower back started feeling like it was tightening up more and more. I thought, "this is wierd. I felt like the heat was helping my back."
The pain and tightness suddenly ramped up. I squatted down to try and stretch my back. Mrs Schwartz came out front to see what I was doing.
The pain suddenly got so bad that I dropped to my hands and knees, yelling in pain.
Mrs Schwartz said that she heard a HUGE CRUNCH. I heard nothing. I dropped to the pavement in pain, my lower back killing me.

I laid on my back in the driveway. Every minute or so, pain would start in my lower back and escalate until I was screaming.

(Side note: I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. I've had fingers broken, until I was was looking at the bone poking out. I've received one really good ass-whooping. I've cut and broken myself more times than I can count. No problemo)

I was SCREAMING in pain in my driveway.

I could not get up. No matter which way I tried, any movement caused excruciating pain. I laid in the driveway for 30 minutes. Mrs Schwartz said that I either had to figure out a way to get into the house, or she was going to call an ambulance. I very slowly made my way into the house.

I had her cut off my shirt and strip me down. I took a shower (she bathed me). Then I walked, with two canes, to the couch, where I remain. She got me food. The poor girl; she gets freaked out by me being in pain, so she's about at the end of HER rope too.
I can barely move without excruciating pain. She gave me three Demoral, and I've been drinking gin like it's judgement day. The pain hasn't reduced but I'm getting loaded.


  • Real men go to the hospital when they are crippled instead of laying in the driveway causing their wives great distress.


    By Blogger Aunt B, at 7:17 PM  

  • So you and Sarcastro have more in common now...except for he went to the doctor!! I hope you feel better soon. Tell the Mrs. I said hello...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:02 AM  

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