Monosyllabic Pedantry

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

NPR: National Partisan Radio

I listen to NPR's Morning Edition every morning during my commute. This morning, they spent 10 minutes talking about the non-issue of Skooter Libby's trial. 10 minutes is a long time for radio 'news'.
I was most struck by the comparison to their non-coverage of the Sandy Berger trial. In a nutshell, they barely mentioned it.

UPDATE 2-8-07:

NPR has been covering and updating this irrelevant trial EVERY MORNING. This is ridiculous. They dedicate the bulk of their news time to this every fucking morning since before the trial began.


  • Yes, but you watch FOX News. So it all balances out.

    By Blogger Sarcastro, at 7:34 AM  

  • Yeah, but my tax dollars don't get confiscated to support Fox News.

    By Blogger Exador, at 8:13 AM  

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