Monosyllabic Pedantry

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Where's my Check!

I will soon be a minority! Woo Hoo! That means if any of you blogger-types say anything bad about me, I can charge you with a hate crime. I'm stickin' to the Man!

Also, this means I don't have to tip anymore. I'm makin' money!
Mrs Schwartz will get free schooling! I'll get free cheese!

40 acres and a mule, here I come!

Jesse? Al?



  • Don't knock the free cheese. It's pretty awesome.

    By Blogger Aunt B, at 9:50 AM  

  • A little on the salty side, but it makes great grilled cheese sandwiches.

    By Blogger bridgett, at 5:48 AM  

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