Monosyllabic Pedantry

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Cool Alarm Clocks

American Inventor has alarm clocks for people who can't wake up. I think if I owned one, I'd end up smashing it pretty quickly:

The shocking alarm clock.
In order to turn it off, you have to withstand an electric shock.

The Flying Alarm Clock.

The propeller driven module spins off the base unit each time the alarm goes off. The alarm won't turn off until you retrieve the propeller and put it back on the base. This means you have to get out of bed and search for the propeller, which may have landed anywhere.

The Puzzle Alarm Clock

It wakes you up by firing four puzzle pieces up in the air. The alarm won't turn off until you retrieve them and return them to their correct location.

The Danger Bomb Alarm Clock
It looks like a bomb. In order to stop the alarm, you have to disconnect the right cable (which is randomly decided every day)


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