Monosyllabic Pedantry

Saturday, May 19, 2007

News Bytes

Does anybody give a shit what happens at Cannes? I recommend everyone read "Do as I say, not as I do". It has a chapter on that lying, fat fuck, and what an exploitive hypocrite he is.

Yes, we know that the demagogues on the left and the right both hate the immigration bill, but wouldn't be better to just focus on the details of the bill, when reporting the news?

AGAIN, just when I think that Jimmah 'Jihad' Carter could not sink any lower, he proves me wrong.

So Jimmah, you think that every president from Nixon until now has demonstrated a reversal of America's basic values?
I remember your administration: 17% mortgage rates, gas lines, the Iranian hostages.
Given the choice between your 'American values' and the alternative, I'll take the alternative. You are, and always have been, an ignorant, pussy peanut farmer that would have never been elected, if not for the electorates' revulsion of Nixon (and Ford for pardoning him) and their extensive use of recreational narcotics. Please shut up, and quietly flagellate your dumb, hillbilly ass for having lustful thoughts, you fucking simpleton.
Ahhh, I feel better.

Why does it make news every time a member of congress uses a curse word? I expect them to curse at each a little when they are arguing over important stuff. Jeebus, they're grown-ups. I think they can take it.

Iran thinks we should leave Iraq? What a shocker! In other news, scientists have discovered that water is wet!

Finally, other scientists are making it into the news, rejecting the Global Warming scam. Hopefully, we will all wake up to this farce, before Al Gore cashes in and buys his own island.

Am I alone in thinking that the only solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is for the Israelis to enact a long term program for slowly wiping out the Palestinians? Hey, I don't like it either, but it's the only way. I would recommend something sterilizing in the water supply.

I bought a 'yard' of dirt today. Nobody explains this to you, so I will. What that means is a cubic yard. 3' x 3' x 3'. I discovered that, while this doesn't seem like much dirt, it is a quite a bit for my little Nissan Frontier pickup. I felt like I was driving a boat, with the way it was swaying on the road.

There's nothing cuter than when Zachary chases flies. He is so focused on the hunt, it's hysterical.

I recently bought this at Brookstones, so now I get the catalog. It's yuppie heaven.

Bridget reminded me that the dirty stuff at Brookstone is here.


  • That table is cool. I want one. I was sure that when I clicked, it would be a "personal massager," which is what I have associated Brookstone with since that Sex and the City episode.

    Yeah, weird measurements suck. Don't ever tell the grape guy that you are going to take a flat of, maybe make that two. You'll be drinking vile homemade first-try wine for the next two decades. (Happened to my in-laws.)

    -- bridgett

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:32 PM  

  • You're so obliging.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:00 PM  

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