Monosyllabic Pedantry

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

With Friends like these...

The stinking, hippie nutjobs show their love for the troops by blocking the shipment of the newer Stryker vehicles, which have the upgraded armor required to protect our troops from RPGs?


Three of these fuckers got arrested for pushing past police. Let them rot in jail.

I guess it's better than last year's hippie tantrum; there were dozens arrested, and even more were pepper-sprayed.

The link above is from a mainstream newspaper. Michelle Malkin also has a letter from a soldier's mother:

My son was one of the Stryker soldiers who was moving the equipment to the port that night.
These people are protesting the shipment of Strykers. Strykers are what keep our infantry men alive in Iraq. They are agile, strong, and the newest ones have very accurate fire power. Once again the moonbats say they support our troops, but not the war. They show it by insulting the troops' intelligence, calling their NCO's names, and telling them that they will die for nothing. Nice. I, personally like to tell my son that he will come home alive and we will be reunited. These protesters sounded more like spoiled, self centered, obnoxious brats to me. Yet, at the end of the line there stands our troops. They are carrying the weight of the free world on their shoulders and they get to hear this mindless drivel before they deploy.
The last big protest was at the Port of Olympia last year. The moonbats did damage to a fence around a yard that protects military equipment. The Strykers they were protesting that day were Strykers that were equipped with medical intervention equipment. The protesters were marching against medical supplies that our soldiers need desperately, and once again the very equipment that keeps our soldiers alive. It seems that there are two populations of people who hate Strykers... moonbats and insurgents.
Thanks for posting the video. It is good for people to see the truth and to know that these "peace demonstrators" are really hateful in their presentation.

Malkin also has video of the protest.


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