Our Government is Truly Useless
The illegal alien with TB, who was jailed for refusing treatment, will be RELEASED by the end of this week. But don't worry. The criminal signed a legally binding consent order {oooooo....scaaary} saying that he will comply with nine months of treatment and not leave the area. He still has TB!
Well, I know I feel better.
Federal Officials will also hand him a notice to appear in court for deportation, which I'm sure he will promptly wipe his ass with and throw away.
He's being released to his mother, who is also an illegal alien. Four members of his family also tested positive for TB and are receiving treatment.
Gwinnett health officials say they have stressed to Santos and his mother that leaving the area and neglecting his treatment could injure him, his family and the public. {Like he gives a fuck about the public} He would become a fugitive {And you know what happens to fugitives? oh yeah. Nothing} and he could become contagious again. {Thanks, Government!}
"They've given every indication that they understand ... and they've given no clues that they intend to do anything but accept the treatment and we hope and pray that's what they adhere to," said county health spokesman Vernon Goins. {You fucking hope and pray!? Can I do my job that way? Gosh, I hope and pray this gets done}
It could take up to two years for him to be deported.
I really have nothing else to add to this. I'm speechless.
Ex, trying to reach you, can't remember if I ever had your email addy. Can you email me?
freespeech43 at Yahoo
By Anonymous, at 1:28 PM
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