Monosyllabic Pedantry

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I resent our current tax system. It's not that I disagree with the idea of taxes; I don't. Taxes are required to pay for the costs of government.
That's why I hate OUR tax system. Our system has been perverted into social engineering and control.
The biggest offender is the federal system itself. The system is set up so that we are forced to send more and more money to Washington, then if we're good boys and girls, they will deign to send some back. A perfect example is the DUI limits. After getting our money, the feds withheld millions in highway money, contingent on the states dropping the DUI limit to .08.

Some other examples:
  • "Sin taxes"; extra taxes on items that the moral majority disagrees with: alcohol, tobacco, etc.
  • The "earned income tax credit", i.e., being paid to breed.
  • The marriage tax credit.
  • Environmental tax incentives: Tax breaks for electric cars, higher taxes on fossil fuels.
  • The Death Tax: Taxing wealth that has already been taxed, for the simple reason that government feels they "have too much".
  • The "Progressive" tax system, i.e. socialist wealth redistribution. From each according to his ability. To each according to his need.
  • Pushing Retirement Savings: Currently, the most common way to avoid outrageous taxation is to put much of ones' wealth into IRAs and 401Ks. This is easily the best way to prevent the federal government from taking much more money.
  • President Bush just passed a bill that improved port security. Hidden in that bill was also a ban on internet gambling.
  • Tax deductions for charitable giving. You either give to charity, or you give to the government.
  • Tax deduction for mortgage interest: While encouraging home ownership, this encourages people to get more into debt, by encouraging them to buy bigger, more expensive homes, with longer mortgages.
  • Employer-financed health insurance. A business can deduct the cost of the health insurance of it's employees, but a private citizen can not deduct the cost if they choose to provide their own health insurance. An added consequence to this is that companies are free to purchase overly generous insurance policies. Anti-discrimination laws prevent catering the coverage to the covered; therefore, gays are forced to get coverage for birth control. If this alone was changed, people would not have to get health insurance from an employer. Millions of uninsured people could afford coverage. The competition of the market would lower healthcare costs for all, without passing more power to the federal government. (Which socialized medicine would do)
Unfortunately, the system got screwed up a little at a time, so nobody really noticed.


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